
Hamilton ETFs - HBND: Canada's first Covered Call Bond ETF

HBND is designed for investors looking to maximize their monthly income above what is typically offered by bonds.

July 11, 2024
Hamilton ETFs - RMAX: Maximize Income from REITs

Hamilton ETFs has introduced an innovative solution for investors seeking to maximize yield within the Canadian financial sector.

June 17, 2024
Hamilton ETFs: A Smarter Way to Invest in Canadian Banks

Hamilton ETFs is a Canadian investment manager. They specialize in the global financial services sector, with a portfolio management team boasting ove …

May 6, 2024
Hamilton ETFs - Yield Maximizer ETFs

These investment vehicles blend your preferred sectors with a potent, income-centric approach, ensuring you achieve your financial objectives. With our strategy, expect consistent and enhanced income streams month after month. Elevate your earnings with Hamilton ETFs' Yield Maximizer ETFs

April 25, 2024